Stand no: 16A45-2
MEDICA 2023 is coming soon! MEDICA, the world's largest medical fair, brings together thousands of companies and tens of thousands of visitors every year in Düsseldorf, Germany, to showcase the latest innovations in medical technology. This year's event will take place November 13-16.
Don't forget to visit our stand to get information about our products and get to know our company better.
We follow the scientific literature closely and develop products with the most upto- date technologies.
The first of the European Union Framework Programs, created to harmonize Europe's science and technology policies and practices, was launched in 1984. These programs are the highest-budget civilian research programs in the world. Its aim is to strengthen Europe's research and technology development capacity, to encourage university-industry cooperation, and to develop cooperation with EU member states, EU candidate countries and other countries with which the EU cooperates in different areas related to EU policies.
Horizon, the European Union's new Research and Innovation Framework Programme, is run by the European Commission. Pharmaline took its place as a technology producer in the Horizon project, which includes HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) screening and technology transfer for African countries, in a consortium that includes leading organizations in sectors such as software, logistics and healthcare. Pharmaline, which plays a critical role in the writing and application of the project, is excitedly waiting for the Horizon 2023 application results.
Accreditation; It is a program based on internationally accepted principles that is used to improve the quality, effectiveness and efficiency of organizations and includes the evaluation and approval of compliance with established standards by an effective institution. Pharmaline Sağlık Hizmetleri San. Tic. A.Ş. was accredited by an inspection body approved by TÜRKAK in 2022. Our company, which has maintained and continuously improved its quality understanding within a year as an accredited organization, successfully completed the audits of 2023 and continues on its way with IAS accreditation, a US-based Organization.
It has been carrying out a screening project for a long time to investigate HPV positivity in women in Turkey and to detect cancer at an early stage. We started to deal with this project initiated by the Ministry of Health at the end of 2022 and entered into a business partnership with Atitech to develop and supply the PCR test kit.
As Pharmaline, we first defined the necessary sequence data to design the test. When we needed support in choosing the right markers and technology for the probes, AtiTECH and LGC team supported us and together with our R&D team, we designed our diagnostic kit to detect high-risk HPV types. Sequence data were reviewed during this process. Designs were made to incorporate the best technology for each sequence and allow for greater amplification per tube. The project used a combination of minor groove binding (MGB) probes, internal suppressor (BHQ-nova probes) and dual-labeled BHQ probes, as well as a series of fluorophores. The designed diagnostic kit detected all necessary targets, including high-risk types 16, 18 and 45. While it could only be operated on two tubes.
The developed high-tech product was launched and made available to doctors. Pharmaline and AtiTECH started to produce and supply PCR kits to the national laboratory established specifically for HPV testing in Ankara and to carry out the testing workflow from DNA isolation to results. In HPV screening in Turkey, Pharmaline has developed a solution that will reduce the workforce required for the current test load, eliminate DNA isolation from the sample and allow direct PCR. Thanks to this solution, there is no need for DNA isolation. The developed solution enables the release of HPV DNA in the pre-denaturation phase of the PCR reaction and, thanks to its special formulation, increases the Taq Polymerase activity in the reaction while minimizing non-specific binding. The product was launched under the PharmaDirect HPV brand in April 2023 and started to be supplied to the national HPV laboratory. The developed product brings a new approach to HPV studies and is unique in the world..